When you buy a fruit, you can instantly evaluate its quality: the size and shape, ripeness, the absence of visible bruising. But only as you take the first bite, will you be able to see if the fruit is really that good. Even an extremely good-looking fruit might taste sour or have a worm in it.

The same applies to almost any product, be it a physical object or a piece of software. A website you find on the Internet might seem fine at first, but as you scroll down, go to another page, or try to send a contact request, it can start showing some design flaws and errors.

This makes quality control so important in every field, where an end-user product is created. Yet, a sour fruit won’t cause as much damage as a self-driving car with poor quality autopilot software. A single error in a software system might put a high risk to the company revenue.

In order to make sure the released software is safe and functions as expected, the concept of software quality was introduced.

·        Functional – the product’s compliance with functional requirements and design specifications. This aspect focuses on the practical use of software, from the point of view of the user: its features, performance, ease of use, absence of defects.
·        Non-Functional – system’s inner characteristics and architecture, i.e. structural requirements. This includes the code maintainability, understandability, efficiency, and security.

At Daiviksoft technologies we consider testing as the basic activity aimed at detecting and solving technical issues in the software source code and assessing the overall product usability, performance, security, and compatibility. It has a very narrow focus and is performed by our best test engineers in parallel with the development process or at the dedicated testing stage.

We focus on testing so that it shows presence of mistakes. Testing is aimed at detecting the defects within a piece of software. But no matter how thoroughly the product is tested, we can never be 100 percent sure that there are no defects. We can only use testing to reduce the number of unfound issues.

·        Exhaustive testing is impossible. 
·        Defect clustering. 
·        Pesticide paradox. 
·        Testing is context dependent. 
·        Absence-of-errors fallacy. 

Despite a widespread misbelief that a tester’s only task is to find bugs, testing and QA have a greater impact on the final product success. We at Daiviksoft technologies have a deep understanding of the client’s business and the product itself, QA engineers add value to the software and ensure its excellent quality.

Moreover, applying their extensive knowledge of the product, testers can bring value to the customer through additional services, like tips, guidelines, and product use manuals. This results in reduced cost of ownership and improved business efficiency. 

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