Spring Boot – Just Develop and Deploy

Spring is one of the most widely used frameworks for developing enterprise applications, providing a robust programming and configuration model.

Daiviksoft suggest unlike other frameworks, Spring focuses on several areas of application functionality and provides a wide range of additional functions for them.

According to Daiviksoft the main advantages of Spring Framework is its use of the Dependency Injection pattern. Dependency Injection makes it much easier to implement the functionality that applications need, and allows to develop loosely coupled, more general classes.

Well, the Spring framework focuses on providing flexibility through its dependency injection feature. It helps to inject the required dependencies quickly but also to develop your application in a loosely coupled fashion. Some other benefits include:
·        A lightweight framework.
·        Helps with loose coupling dependencies and testability. The modular architecture allows you to pick the parts you need and isolate them.
·        Has support for both XML and annotation configuration.
·        Provides abstraction on ORM software to develop the ORM persistence logic.
·        Compatible with many middleware services.
·        Supports the JDBC framework, which improves productivity and reduces errors.

Daiviksoft considers spring boot as one among the main tool which makes use of Java, which is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Besides that, Spring Boot is an amazing tool that helps you to get enterprise-grade applications up and running quickly without having to worry about configuring the application correctly and safely.

Daiviksoft recommends and builds spring boot applications with additional benefits:
·        Reduces development time and increases the overall productivity of the development team.
·        Helps you auto configure all components for a production-grade Spring application.
·        Makes it easier for developers to create and test Java-based applications by providing a default setup for unit and integration tests.
·        Avoids writing lots of boilerplate code, annotations, and XML configuration.
·        Comes with embedded HTTP servers like Tomcat or Jetty to test web applications.
·        Adds many plugins that developers can use to work with embedded and in-memory databases easily. Spring allows you to easily connect with database and queue services like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Solr, ElasticSearch, Rabbit MQ, ActiveMQ, and many more.
·        Allows admin support—meaning you can manage via remote access to the application.

The main goal of the Spring Boot framework is to reduce overall development time and increase efficiency by having a default setup for unit and integration tests.

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